Otros Idiomas
Bishop, Peter
Datos personales
Associate Professor of Communications and Cultural Studies at the University of South Australia.
His publications include: The Myth of Shangri-la (Tibet, Travel Writing and the Western Construction of Sacred Landscape); The Greening of Psychology (The Vegetable World in Myth, Dream and Healing); Dreams of Power (Tibetan Buddhism and the Western Imagination); An Archetypal Constable (National Identity and the Geography of Nostalgia)
Parallel Gallery and Journal
WWW : http://www.va.com.au/parallel/
E-mail : parallel@camtech.com.auArtículos
- Zen and Lacan (Acheronta 3)
Hu, Peicheng
Datos personales
Dept. of Medical Psychology, Peking University Health Science Center
Co-president of International Association for Advancement of Psychoanalysis in China
- Psychoterapy and Psychoanalysis in China (Acheronta 13)
Gordo-Lopez, Angel J.
Datos personales
BA in psychology from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Ph.D from Manchester University/Manchester Metropolitan University
Since 1994 is a Lecturer in Social Psychology and Cyberpsychology at Bradford University, UK.
He has written and co-edited the following books: Cyberpsychology: Conference, Interventions and Reflections, (co-edited with E. Burman, W. R. Macauley & I. Parker, MMU, 1995), Psicologías, discursos y poder (PDP) (co-edited with J. Linaza, Visor 1996); Psychology, Discourse and Social Practice: From Regulation To Resistance (co-authored, Taylor & Francis, in press); and Cyberpsychology (in preparation) (co-edited with I. Parker); and, The Psycho-Techno-Complex: Psychological Boundary Objects (in preparation).
Previous work on gender-technology relations and 'cyberpsychology' are: 'Un Análisis Cualitativo y Discursivo de los Programas Clínicos de Cambio de Sexo: Transexualismo, 'Travestis' y Otros Objetos Límite', Revista de Psicologia Social Aplicada, 5 (1/2); 'From Cognitive Psychologies to Mythologies: Advancing Cyborg Textualities for a Narrative of Resistance' (co-authored with W.R. Macauley), in C.H. Gray, H.J. Figueroa-Sarriera and S. Mentor (eds.), The Cyborg Handbook (London-New York: Routledge, 1995).
E-mail : A.J.Gordo-lopez@bradford.ac.uk
Pigozzi, Laura
Datos personales
Cantante. Docente di canto, psicanalisi della voce e formazione alla vocalità (http://www.pigozzi.info/).
Libri: "A Nuda Voce", Antigone Edizioni (2008, rist. 2009, 2010) e "Voci smarrite" (2011) con lo stesso editore.
Già vicepresidente di Forum Lou Salomé. Donne psicanaliste in rete, ho fondato nel 2011 Rapsodia-Rete di psicanalisi
Email: Email: lapigozzi@gmail.com
- Sublimazione e godimento altro (Acheronta 27)
Datos personales
Psicoanalista. Director de Acheronta. Director de PsicoNet. Director Area Enseñanza de Ambrosía (Enfoque psicoanalítico de los trastornos del hambre). Ex miembro CD del Foro Psicoanalítico de Buenos Aires.
Email : ms@psiconet.com
Home Page : http://www.psiconet.com/michelArtículos
- Science, psychoanalysis and post-modernism (About "Impostures Intelectuelles" from Sokal and Bricmon) (Acheronta 6)
Zentner, Oscar
Datos personales
Fundador de The Freudian School of Melbourne.
Senior Fellow del Departmento de Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia de la Universidad de Melbourne
- On the question of judgement in neurosis and psychosis (Acheronta 18)
- The exile of James Joyce - Après le mot le déluge (Acheronta 19)
- From the correspondance Lacan Joyce (Acheronta 21)
Zizek, Slavoj
Datos Personales
Filósofo y psicoanalista
Investigador Senior en el Insituto de Ciencias de la Cultura, Essen.
Entre las publicaciones recientes: THE FRAGILE ABSOLUTE (Verso 2000), DID SOMEBODY SAY TOTALITARIANISM? (Verso 2001)
- Krzysztof Kielowski as a cyber-artist: "Run, Witek, Run" (Acheronta 12)
Longo, Marco
Datos personales
Specialist in Clinical Psychology
SPI Psychoanalyst and IIPG (Pollaiolo) Group Psychoanalyst
ABA (Anorexia-Bulimia-Eating disorders) Psychotherapist
E-mail : m.longo@flashnet.it
WWW : http://www.psychomedia.itArtículos
- (Cyber)spazio mentale (Acheronta 3)
- La cura nel gruppo (Acheronta 4)